

2017.12.18. - 13:33

ICCR invites the membership of IAP Hungarian Division to review and provide comment on the following draft datasets for the pathology reporting of urinary tract carcinomas developed by the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR): o Urinary tract carcinoma - transurethral resection and biopsy specimen o Carcinoma of the urethra - urethrectomy specimen o Carcinoma of the bladder - cystectomy, cystoprostatectomy and diverticulectomy specimen o Carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ureter - nephroureterectomy and ureterectomy specimen.

2017.12.14. - 10:22

Az MPT Citodiagnosztikai Szekciója tizenhetedik alkalommal rendezi meg kongresszusát, amelyhez már hagyományosan kapcsolódik az akkreditált továbbképző tanfolyam.

2017.12.14. - 09:47

AMP EUROPE 2018 Achieving Dramatic Insights into Molecular Oncology & Precision Medicine

2017.12.14. - 09:29

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is proud to establish the ESP Academy (ESPA) devoted to the promotion of applied and translational scientifc research in the field of human pathology.