
International Academy of Pathology Hungarian Division

Latest event

Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology Central European Regional Meetings
„How pathologists can contribute to improve colorectal cancer patients’ survival”
Colorectal Pathology
Visegrád, May 25-27, 2017
Website | Report from the meeting >>

About us

The Division is primarily the scientific organization of Hungarian-speaking pathologists regardless of their nationality. The aim of the Division is to support the pre-service and in-service training of pathologists, to improve the teaching of pathological diagnostics and examining methods. This is carried out via scientific programmes and through the self-study of members. The Division maintains a fruitful relationship with the International Academy of Pathology and with the Hungarian Society of Pathologists.


President of the Division:
    Prof. Dr. Janina Kulka

Secretary of the Division:
    Dr. Lilla Madaras

    Dr. Gabriella Arató

Previous president of the Division:
    Prof. Dr. Zsuzsa Schaff

Members of the board:

Dr. Jäckel Márta

Dr. Kajtár Béla

Dr. Kemény Éva

Dr. Kovács Ilona