Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology Central European Regional Meetings
„How pathologists can contribute to improve colorectal cancer patients’ survival”
Colorectal Pathology
Visegrád, May 25-27, 2017
Website | Report from the meeting >>
The Division is primarily the scientific organization of Hungarian-speaking pathologists regardless of their nationality. The aim of the Division is to support the pre-service and in-service training of pathologists, to improve the teaching of pathological diagnostics and examining methods. This is carried out via scientific programmes and through the self-study of members. The Division maintains a fruitful relationship with the International Academy of Pathology and with the Hungarian Society of Pathologists.
President of the Division: Secretary of the Division: Cashier: Previous president of the Division: |
Members of the board: Dr. Jäckel Márta Dr. Kajtár Béla Dr. Kemény Éva Dr. Kovács Ilona |